Sea wasp

Sea Wasp Characteristics
Sea Wasp photo source:

On this occasion, we are not going to talk about an insect, but about a jellyfish. The sea wasp is one of the most dangerous jellyfish that you can find in the water, being able to kill a person if faced with a sting.

If you want to know the sea โ€‹โ€‹Wasp Characteristics, its natural habitat, feeding, reproduction and other curious details of this animal, be sure to continue reading about it below.

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portuguese jellyfish

characteristics of portuguese jellyfish

Every year, when summer arrives, we want to go to the beaches and enjoy the sea. However, we have a problem: the dreaded jellyfish. and some that roam the beaches of the Mediterranean are portuguese jellyfish.

If you want to know more details about them, such as the characteristics, their habitat, the feeding of the Portuguese jellyfish or the reproduction, below you have all the information you are looking for.

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most dangerous jellyfish

most dangerous jellyfish

The jellyfish kingdom is filled with thousands of specimens of different species. However, just as there are some that are harmless, that you can even touch without fear of being stung or hurt, there are others that are considered the most dangerous jellyfish in the world.

More aggressive, more powerful, with greater poison, or that this is practically deadly. Today we want to talk to you about all those species of jellyfish that you can find in the sea and that, if you have the misfortune to see yourself face to face with them, we hope you have a guardian angel so that they don't bite you.

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types of jellyfish

types of jellyfish

Within the animal kingdom, jellyfish are one of the animals that impress us the most, but they also scare us because there are types of jellyfish that are dangerous to humans (practically all). Their shapes and colors, the abilities they have, as well as the way they live, will catch your attention.

Taking into account that there more than 1.500 species of jellyfish, talking about all of them can be almost impossible. But we do want to help you to know which are the most representative, or those that really stand out. Do you want to discover them?

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jellyfish sting

how is a jellyfish sting

You go to the beach, you bathe, you enjoy a summer day, on vacation. Taking some rest. And all of a sudden, you start to feel a very intense pain. And something stuck to a part of your body that makes you scream. The jellyfish sting is not nice, and it is usual that you find them on the beaches.

Therefore, in this case we are going to help you to know all the information about them, both to prevent a jellyfish from stinging you, and also to know how to act and first aid What should you give in case it happens?

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