pet gecko

gecko care

Geckos are known throughout the world as they are scaly lizards that can become pets. They are prized for their bold colors and patterns, and some species have quite a distinctive bright color. Each animal has unique colors and characteristics which makes it very attractive from the point of view of pets. He pet gecko It is quite demanded by all those who want to have a reptile at home.

Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, habitat, feeding, reproduction and care of the pet gecko.

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buy a gecko

Tips to keep in mind BEFORE buying a gecko

When you want to have a pet that is out of the ordinary, either because it is not your typical dog, cat, or bird, you may encounter difficulties until you get that animal. For example, this is what can happen to you when buying a gecko.

If you want to know more about what to consider when buying a gecko, the best places to do it, or the tips you should follow to get a healthy pet that will last a long time, we have prepared this information that will surely come in handy.

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gargoyle gecko

what is the gargoyle gecko like

The gargoyle gecko is one of the rarest reptiles, both in name and physique, and highly prized as a pet today.

Discover what the gargoyle gecko is like, where it comes from, what it eats, how it reproduces and care that you need.

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leaf tailed gecko

what is the leaf tailed gecko like

Within the world of reptiles, one of the most striking is the leaf tailed gecko due to its physical characteristics.

If you want to know more about this animal, such as where it lives, what it eats or what the terrarium is like to keep it as a pet, be sure to take a look at the file that we have prepared for you.

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tokay gecko

how is the tokay gecko

The tokay gecko is one of the most characteristic reptiles in the animal kingdom due to its skin and the spots it has.

If you want to know everything you need to have it as a pet, keep reading, you will discover what the tokay gecko is like, its natural habitat and the care it needs.

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crested gecko

how is the crested gecko

El crested gecko It is one of the most appreciated and popular reptiles as a pet due to the ease of caring for it and the few needs that the species has. They are also very docile and can be manipulated once they know the human being and adapt to it.

Changing skin color (from light brown to red and/or orange), having it as a pet requires meeting a series of essential needs that you must meet, such as its terrarium, feeding, or reproduction.

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Leopard gecko

Leopard gecko

Among the reptiles, the geckos are highly prized. They are small lizards that do not need much care and have a high life expectancy. In addition, there are many types of geckos and one of the most successful is the leopard gecko.

This, scientifically named Eublepharis macularius, is native to the Middle East, especially in the area from Iran to Pakistan, it is also found in parts of India and many pet stores or breeders sell them. However, apart from the fact that they need little care, it is convenient to know everything necessary to ensure that the animal has a good development and growth.

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