Swallows are one of the best-known and best-studied birds., as we had previously mentioned. This is due in large part to the large number of them that exist, and the closeness to the human being that they have maintained since ancient times. The explanation for their approach is none other than to seek shelter and security from their predators. In addition, he "knows" that most human beings respect them, or at least have no bad intentions with them. In this article we will talk about the first steps of him, of the swallow breeding.
They are a protected species, not in danger of extinction. Not only because of its diet, based on insects and which can sometimes bother us, but also because have always been associated with positive things. Among them harmony, happiness, warmth or prosperity. And since in previous articles we had talked about them, today it is time to talk about their young. So if you are passionate about the world of swallows, or would like to know more about them, keep reading to find out what their first steps are like, and how you can take care of them if one day you find one that needs your help.